Monday, April 13, 2009

Jason Atilano Victory

On this Easter Sunday it was Jason's 4th birthday. It was great to have our family and friends gathered around. We all went to church together because Ryan was ordained a Priest. So exciting! It was the first time that a majority of my family could attend an ordination for one of our boys. I loved seeing the circle of white shirts, it was a small glimpse into the eternities! But this day belonged to Jason. All day long he sang happy birthday to himself and one minute he was 4, next 7, then 5, then whatever number he could think of. He told my visiting teacher he was 8. There are days when I just want him to be my baby forever and then I can't wait for what life has in store for him.

Jason has his own unique style right now. Most days he prefers no clothes, or they are inside out or backwards. So to have our Superman pj's on to go hiking is ok with me. He will wear snow boots, crocks, or tennis shoes. I leave it up to him. Most days its snow boots. Kind of funny looking in California, but he's a little kid so he can get away with it.

WORD OF WARNING: If you decide to watch this cute video of Jason, turn your volume down a notch, we are a loud family!

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Janet said...

Look how much he's grown! I'm with you, mixed feelings. It's so great to watch them grow up, but mourning the loss of their baby and toddlerhood.

The blogging Bakers said...

I love that cute little video. I am very sad watching my last little guy grow up. I can't even imagine him being 4. Isn't is so nice to have family around for all of these occasions. Yeah for Ryan too. That is so fun that he is now a priest. Now comes driving and dating. Yikes!!!