Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why Mormons Build Temples

I went on today to look up something for genealogy and saw this youtube video and thought I would post it. There has been a lot of uproar in the news about the HBO show Big Love, as I'm sure many of you are aware of. My thoughts on the whole situation is that I'm grateful that when I am in the Lord's House I learn something different about myself and my relationship with Heavenly Father every time. There are a lot of things that I do not know about the gospel or understand, and I'm sure that is where faith comes in. I could spend lots of time bearing my testimony about the gospel principles that I believe in. I will say that I do believe in the sacredness of the Temple. It saddens me that those who do not understand, feel it's okay to try and explain without having that testimony. I always try to look for the good in people and maybe this HBO show is appealing to someone and one day they will investigate the gospel for themselves. That's just me trying to think positive instead of on the negative. I am also grateful that we have leaders that provide a website that we can click on, get some direction, and then pray for the truth for ourselves!

Here is a link to the official statement from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in regards to the publicity dilemma.


LaDawn said...

Thanks for sharing that Leanne...and your testimony. I've basically ignored the Big Love is sad that people find that entertaining.

Susan said...

Thanks for sharing your testimony. I thought this video was great.