Monday, March 30, 2009

Kids do crazy things!

Yesterday, Terry and I went to visit his brother John, his girlfriend Angel and her son Reuben. Reuben is 12 years old and a great kid. Recently he was diagnosed with ADHD and has had to make some changes at school, etc. When we got there, Angel said did you see Reuben's eye's? He did show us his new glasses, very excited. But what we were suppose to notice was his eyebrows. Apparently, he was in the bathroom for sometime, John and Angel thought he was taking care of business. After some time, he came out of the bathroom and was freaking out that someone shaved his eyebrows! Even went on about it to John and Angel and said "which one of you did it while I was asleep". When the truth came out, Reuben confessed he did it so that he wouldn't have to go to school that day. Needless to say, Reuben still had to go to school. I thought he was pretty clever in shaving the eyebrows. That is definitely one for "kids do crazy things" to get out of school! Notice that he only shaved a portion of the eyebrow. Next, we are going to work on a hair cut.

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