Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mary Did You Know

I found this video on youtube back in 2007. The music is being sung by Clay Aiken. I just love this song and the pictures that go along with the words.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Picture updates

The last couple of months have been gone by so very fast. Here are some of the highlights!
Jason turned 5 years old. His best friends are Lucy, Teegan, Isaac, Ashley, and Londan. We had a small party at the park behind our house and they had a great time.

Terry had to prove that he actually could ride a bike for the kids. They didn't think he could.

It has been a lot of fun watching him grow up!

Ryan was a Junior this past school year and went to two different proms. The first one with a family friend, McKenzie Kaiser, for her high school. The prom was at a place called The White House, in Orange County. They had a great time.

The second prom was with his friend Michelle Choi from his school. There prom was in Riverside at the Mission Inn, a very nice place.

We also went on a campout over the Memorial Day holiday to La Jolla Indian Reservation for 5 days. Ryan was went to Indiana to visit his friends. The campout was relaxing with no cell phone service. The water was very cold, but it didn't stop us from having a great time. Perfect weather: hot during the day and cold at night.

We had a great time and can't wait to go back there again.